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Foreign Languages Works

ARTEMOV V. Athletic Activity in the Lifestyle of Urban and Rural Residents (Based on Time-Budget Data).//International Review of Sport Sociology V1 (16). 1984, P. 53-60.

ARTEMOV V. Physical Education and Leisure.//International Review of Sport Socilogy. V.1. 1966, Warsaw. P. 75-84.

ARTEMOV V. Social Planning of Physical Education and Sport Activity.//International Review of Sport Sociology. V.6. 1971. p. 103-114.

ARTEMOV V., GVOZDEVA G. Trends of Changes in the Time Budget of the Working Population of a Siberian Town in 1972-1990// Time Use Methodology:Toward Consensus.Roma,ISTAT,1993. P.163-168.

ARTEMOV V., GVOZDEVA G. Work Time of the West Siberian Population: Structure and Trends//Fifteenth Reunion of the International Association for Time Use Research.Amsterdam,NIMMO, 1994. P.269-274.

ARTEMOV V.A. Socio-economic Plannning and the Problem of Leisure Time//Society and Leisure, VII, N3, 1975. p. 5-16.

ARTEMOV V.A., Trends in the Time Use Patterns of Siberian Urban and Rural Population. In: Time Use Studies World Wide. Ed. Z.Staikov. Sofia, 1991.

ARTIOMOV V. Korperkultur und Sport im Zeitanfwand der jungen Arbetir//Jugend und Sport. Wien, 1970, SS. 38-48.

ARTIOMOV V.A. Budzet i bilans czasu mieczkancow miasta w planowaniu roswoju spolecznego//Planowanie spolecznego rozwoju miast i Spolecznosci terytorialnych a badania socjologiczne. Wroclaw, 1980. S. 73-83.

ARTIOMOV V.A. Cambios en la utilizacion del tempo de la pobalacion urbana y la rural.//Informacion Commercial Espanola, N695,1991. P. 63-75.

ARTIOMOV V.A., KUTYRIOV B.P. Time Indicators in Socio-economic Planning// It's About Time. Sofia, 1982. P. 232-239.

ARTIOMOV, V.A., KUTYRIOV, B.P., PATRUSHEV, V.D. Free Time: Problems and Perspectives//Society and Leisure, 1970. N3, p. 35-48.

ARTEMOVA O. Changes In The Labor Structure Of The Rural Siberian Working Population In The 1970-1990s. // Russian Sociology Today (Abstracts of Reports Submitted by Russian Sociologists to the ISA XIV World Congress Of Sociology). Russian Society of Sociologists, Moscow, 1998. P. 10-12.

BESSONOVA O. The reform of the Soviet housing model: the search for a concept // The Reform of Housing in Eastern Europe and the Soviet Union. - London and New York: Routledge, 1992. - P.276-289.

BESSONOVA O., KRAPCHAN S., O'SULLIVAN R. Management and Maintenance of Municipal Housing Stock in Novosibirsk: Present Condition and Public Opinion. - Working Paper No.6. - PADCO, Inc. - Prepared for Office of Housing and Urban Programs Agency for International Development. - Washington. - March 1994.

BESSONOVA O., KRAPCHAN S., O'SULLIVAN R. Novosibirsk Housing Management Demonstration Project Monitoring: Resident Assessments and Indicators after 6 Months. - Working Paper No.8. - PADCO, Inc. - Prepared for Office of Housing and Urban Programs Agency for International Development. - Washington. - March 1994.

BESSONOVA O., KRAPCHAN S., O'SULLIVAN R. The Housing and Communal Services Economy in Novosibirsk: The System of Ownership and Management, and Labor Organization and Wages. - Working Paper No.7. - PADCO, Inc. - Prepared for Office of Housing and Urban Programs Agency for International Development. - Washington. - April 1994.

BESSONOVA O., KIRDINA S., O'SULLIVAN R. Market Experiment in the Housing Economy of Russia.// Novosibirsk, 1996 – 312 p.

BOGOMOLOVA T. And TAPILINA V. Income Mobility in Russia in the Mid-1990s. // Russian Sociology Today (Abstracts of Reports Submitted by Russian Sociologists to the ISA XIV World Congress Of Sociology). Russian Society of Sociologists, Moscow, 1998. P.17-20.

CHERNINA, N. A small factory working on a lease basis in the USSR. In: Labour Relations in Transition in Eastern Europe. Ed. Szell, G. Berlin-New-York, Walter de Gruyter, 1992. - P. 183-187.

CHERNINA, N. Perestroika. In: Concise Encyclopaedia of Participation and Co-management (de Gruyter Studies in Organization). Ed. Szell G., Berlin-New-York, Walter de Gruyter. - 1992. - P.639-643.

CHERNINA, N. Perspectives of self-government and de-alienation in the business in the USSR. In: Labour relations in transition in Eastern Europe. Ed. Szell, G. Berlin-New-York, Walter de Gruyter, 1992. - P. 335-339.

CHERNINA, N. Radical economic reform and democratization process: a new challenge for the sociology of work. In: Labour Relations in Transition in Eastern Europe. Ed. Szell, G. Berlin-New-York, Walter de Gruyter.-1992. - P.147-156.

GERCHIKOV V. Business Democracy: Work Collective Councils and Trade Unions // Labour Relations in Transition in Easten Europe / Ed.Gyorgy Szell. Berlin, New York, de Gruyter, 1992.

GERCHIKOV V. Labour Relations in Transition: Restructuring and Privatisation. Paper presented at the Workshop `Labour Relations in Development - Focus on Easten Europe'. Tilburg, March 23-25,1994. Tilburg University, WORC paper 94.02.006/1

GERCHIKOV V. New Social Problems of Enterprises // Problems of Economics. 1992. Vol.34. ¹12.

GERCHIKOV V. On System Character of the Objects of Social Management. Íîâîñèáèðñê: ÈÝèÎÏÏ, 1970.

GERCHIKOV V. Plant Sociologists in the System of Personnel Management in the USSR (on XI World Congress of Sociology). Íîâîñèáèðñê: ÈÝèÎÏÏ, 1986.

GERCHIKOV V. Russia // Labour relations & political change in Easten Europe: A comparative prospective / Edited by J.Thirkell, R.Scase, S.Vickerstaff. London: UCL Press Ltd. 1995.

GERCHIKOV V. Sluzby sociologiczne w przemysle ZSRR (íà ïîëüñê.ÿç.) // Humanizacija pracy. Warszawa: Instytut filozofii I socjologii, 1986. ¹ 3.

GERCHIKOV V., CHERNINA N. Self-Government in Business in the USSR // International Conference "Self-Government and Social Protection in the Urban Settlement and at the Enterprise". Moscow: ISA, SSA, 1990.

GERCHIKOV V., KALAKUTINA E., KOSHMAN M., TRUTH L. Labour Relations at Russian Enterprises. Paper presented to the XIII World Congress of Sociology, Bielefeld, Germany, 18/23 July 1994. Novosibirsk: Institute of Economics, 1994.

GVOZDEVA G. The Effects of Socio-Economic Reforms on the Activity of West Siberian Women.//Book of Abstracts. VIth International Interdiciplinary Congress on Women.(The University of Adelaide, Flinders University of South Australia, The University of South Australia. 20-26 April 1996), ISBN No: 0863962912.

GVOZDEVA G.P. Changes in Free Time Utilization by Rural Residents in West Siberia under the Ongoing Economic Reform.Paper to XIIIth World Congress of Sociology. Novosibirsk: Institute of Economics and Industrial Engineering, 1994.-19 p. (íà àíãë.ÿç.).

GVOZDEVA G. Paid and Unpaid Work In the Siberian Countryside // Proceedings of the Workshop: Changing Agricultural Structure and Policies in Europe Toward the Twenty First Century. Sixth Conference of ISSEI “Twentieth Century European Narratives: Tradition and Innovation”. 16-21 August 1998, Haifa University. Izrael. P. 53-66.

GVOZDEVA Galina. Rural Women’s Opportunities To Exercise Their Right to Leisure. // Russian Sociology Today (Abstracts of Reports Submitted by Russian Sociologists to the ISA XIV World Congress Of Sociology). Russian Society of Sociologists, Moscow, 1998.

GORYACHENKO E.E., PUSHKAREV V.Ì. Indigenous peoples of Tyumen north under the conditions of industrial expansion // Management, Technology and Human Resourses Police in the Arctic (the North)/ L.Lyck, V.I.Boyko (eds).Kluwer Academic Publishers. 1996. 0.5 ï.ë.

KALUGINA Z.I., ARTYMOV V.A., BALYKOVA N.A., KUTYRYOV B.P. Time budgets and pre- planning stuidies // Regional studies for planning and projecting: The Siberian experience. The Hague. - 1981.

KALUGINA Z.I., MARTYNOVA I.N. Innovation // Concise Encyclopedia of Participation and Co-management. Berlin. New-York. - 1992.

KALUGINA Z.I. Paradoxes of the Agrarian reform in Russia. – Novosibirsk: IE&IE SB RAS, 1998.

KALUGINA Z. The Structural Changes in The Russian Agrarian Sector: Success and Failure // Proceedings of the Workshop: Changing Agricultural Structure and Policies in Europe Toward the Twenty First Century. Sixth Conference of ISSEI “Twentieth Century European Narratives: Tradition and Innovation”. 16-21 August 1998, Haifa University. Izrael. P. 35-52.

KALUGINA Z. Paradoxes of the Agrarian Reform In Russia.// Russian Sociology Today (Abstracts of Reports Submitted by Russian Sociologists to the ISA XIV World Congress Of Sociology). Russian Society of Sociologists, Moscow, 1998. P. 61-64.

KIRDINA S. The System of Political Institutions in Russian Society: Limits of Transformation. // Russian Sociology Today (Abstracts of Reports Submitted by Russian Sociologists to the ISA XIV World Congress Of Sociology). Russian Society of Sociologists, Moscow, 1998. P. 74-75.

KOREL L.V. Women in the face of market: threats and risks. Novosibirsk. 1995. P 1-36.

KOREL L. Siberian Women in New Economic Reality.// Russian Sociology Today (Abstracts of Reports Submitted by Russian Sociologists to the ISA XIV World Congress Of Sociology). Russian Society of Sociologists, Moscow, 1998. P.78-80.

KHARCHENKO I. Changes in Educational and Occupational Aspirations of School-leavers in the 1990s (The Case of Western Siberia).// Russian Sociology Today (Abstracts of Reports Submitted by Russian Sociologists to the ISA XIV World Congress Of Sociology). Russian Society of Sociologists, Moscow, 1998. P. 70-73.

MIKHEYEVA A. Cohabitation in the Siberian Village: A New Family Form or Continuation of Traditions? //ISA, 1994.

MIKHEYEVA A. Cohabitations and Out-of-wedlock Births Via Unmarried Mothers’ Life-Stories: The Case of Siberia. // Russian Sociology Today (Abstracts of Reports Submitted by Russian Sociologists to the ISA XIV World Congress Of Sociology). Russian Society of Sociologists, Moscow, 1998. P. 120-123.

PATRUSCHEV W.D., PRUDENSKI G.A. Die Freizeit der sowjetischen Werktatigtn. - Arbeitsokonomik, 1968, N2, S.132-140.

PATRUSHEV V.D. Aggregate Time-Balances and their Meaning for Socio-economic Planning. P. 429-440; V.D.Patrushev, K.Boh, A.Lennkh, G.Manz b. von Rosenbladt. Bibliography. P. 827-868. In: The Use of Time (ed. A.Szalai). The Hague. Paris: Mauton,1972.

PATRUSHEV W.D. Sociologische Probleme des Zeitbudgets.// Fragen der marxistischen Soziologie. Bd.3. Berlin, 1968. S.123-154.

PATRUSHEV W.D., PRUDENSKI G.A. L'emplou du temps libre en URSS. - Democratie Nouwelle, 1965, N9. P. 79 - 86.

PRUDENSKY G.A. The Concept of Leisure in the USSR. - Industrial Relations a Journal of Economy and Society, 1962, v.2, N1. P. 97-101.

SHABANOVA M. Migratory Work today As a Sociocultural Phenomenon // Sociological Research. (USA).- May-June. -1993. - Vol.32.No.3.- P.71- 85

SHABANOVA M. Social Adaptation in the Context of Freedom // Sociological Research. (USA).- July-August. - 1996. - No.4. - P. 47 - 59.

SZALAI A., FERGE S., GOGUEL C., PATRUSHEV V., RAYMOND H., SOHENCH E., SCHNEIDER A.. Recherche comparative internationale sur les Budgets-Temps.//Etudes et Conjoncture, 1966, N9 (Paris).

TAPILINA V., BOGOMOLOVA T., MIKHEEVA A. What Should One Do with a Voucher ? // Problems of Economic Transition. A Journal of Translations from Russian. November 1993 / Vol.36, No 7.

TAPILINA V., BOGOMOLOVA T., MIKHEEVA A. Why should one do with a voucher? // Problems of economic transition.-1993.-Vol.36.-N 7.p.25-36.

TCHERNINA, N. The emergence of new social needs. In: Social Needs, Ownership and Trade Unions. - Sofia, Institute of Sociology, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences. - 1990.- P.32-38.

TCHERNINA, N. Patterns and processes of social exclusion in Russia// Social Exclusion: Rhetoric, Reality, -Responses. A Contribution to the World Summit for Social Development. Eds. Rodgers, G., Gore, C., Figueiredo, J. Geneva, International Institute for Labour Studies, United Nations Development Programme. Geneva.- 1995. - P. 131-145.

TCHERNINA N. Economic transition and social exclusion in Russia/ International Institute for Labour Studies; United Nations Development Programme.- Geneva, 1996.- 103 p.

Russian Views of the Transition in Rural Sector. Structures, Policy Outcomes, and Adaptive Responses / L.Alexander Norsworthy, edit. Washington DC: World Bank, 2000.

Russian Views of the Transition in Rural Sector. Structures, Policy Outcomes, and Adaptive Responses / L.Alexander Norsworthy, edit. Washington DC: World Bank, 2000.

ARTEMOVA O. Changes in the Everyday Activities of Rural Women in Russia from 1970s to the 1990s / Russian Views of the Transition in the Rural Sector: structures, policy outcomes, and adaptive responses. Washington, 2000. P. 132-144.

BARKHATOVA N., Mellor R., McMylor P. Small Businesses in Russia - the path to social class? // Sociological Review. 1999. ¹ 10.

BESSONOVA O. The Novosibirsk School of Economic Sociology // Sociological Research. 2002. Vol. 41. ¹8. (Â ñîàâòîðñòâå)

BOGOMOLOVA T.Yu., Tapilina V.S. Income Mobility in Russia in the mid-1990-s. Economic Education and Research Consortium Working Paper Series. 1999. ¹ 99/11. Micro 2 (household behavior). 46 p.

BOGOMOLOVA T. Yu. and Tapilina V. S. Income Mobility in Russia: Scale and Intensity. World Bank. 1999. (in mimeo)

GVOZDEVA G. Time Balance Changes and Women's Use of Their Right to Rest" // Society and Leisure. 1999. V. 22. ¹ 1. P.127-144.

GVOZDEVA G., Gvozdeva E. Women's Path in the Transitional Economy of Russia: From Unpaid Work to Business / Canadian Woman Studies / les cahiers de la femme "Women, Globalization and International Trade" / Inanna Publications and Education Inc. Spring/Summer 2002. Volumes 21/22, Numbers 4/1. July 2002. P. 121-123.

GVOZDEVA E. Future after the "End of Work" / Thinking the Future / Editors - Katrin Muller van-I?em and Stephanie Doetzer. London: BOD, 2003 ("Áóäóùåå ïîñëå êîíöà ðàáîòû", Âåëèêîáðèòàíèÿ, íà àíãëèéñêîì ÿçûêå).

KALUGINA Z.I. Adaptation Strategies of Agricultural Enterprises in Russia under Transformation / Adaptation & Change: Old Problems, New Approaches. 1999.

KALUGINA Z. Adaptation Strategies of Agricultural Enterprises During Transformation / Rural Reform in Post-Soviet Russia. D. J. O'Brien and S. K. Wegren (ed.). Woodrow Wilson Center Press, Washington, D.C. USA, 2002. P. 367-384.

KALUGINA Z. Agrarian Actors in the Localities // Explaining Post-Soviet Patchworks. Volume 1. Actors and Sectors in Russia between Accommodation and Resistance to Globalization. Ashgate. Aldershot. Burlington USA. Singapore. Sydney, 2001.

KALUGINA Z., Fadeeva O. Chapter 10. Russia / Zanko M. and Ngui M. (ed.) The Handbook of Human Resource Management Policies and Practices in Asia-Pacific Economies. Volume 2. Cheltenham, UK. Northhampton, MA, USA: Edward Elgar Publishing Limited, 2003. P.446-497.

KALUGINA Z. Paradoxes of Agrarian Reform in Russia / Russian Views of the Transition in the Rural Sector: structures, policy outcomes, and adaptive responses. Washington, 2000. P. 87-102.

KALUGINA Z. Private Farming in Russia: a Thorny Path to Revival / Farming and Rural Systems Research and Extantion. Local Identities and Globalisation. IFSA European Group, Florence, Italy, 2002. P. 148-157.

KALUGINA Z. Rural Transformation in Russia: Inconsistencies and Results / Transformation and Diversification of Rural Societies in Eastern Europe and Russia. Ieda Osamu (ed.)/ Slavic Research Center, Hokkaido University, Sapporo, Japan, 2002/ P. 41-59.

KALUGINA Z.I. Rural Women of Russia Under Agrarian Transformations. Novosibirsk: IE&IE RAS, 1999. 24 p.

KALUGINA Z. Survival Strategies of Enterprises and Families in the Contemporary Russian Countryside / Russian Views of the Transition in the Rural Sector: structures, policy outcomes, and adaptive responses. Washington, 2000. P. 118-131.

KIRDINA S. East meets West // European Sociologist. Winter 1999/2000. Issue Number 10. P. 6.

KIRDINA S.G. Fundamental Difference in the Transformation Process between Russia and East European Countries // Berliner Osteuropa Info. 2001. ¹ 16.

KIRDINA Svetlana G. The Institutional Matrices Theory in the Context of Modern Sociology. In: Visions and Divisions: the Russian Outlook / The Russian Academy of Sciences - The Russian Society of Sociologists. - Moscow-Helsinki, 2001. p. 7-9.

KIRDINA S.G. Two political Institutional Models in Globalisation Processes: Convergence or Self-Amplification? / Russia Today: Sociological Outlook / Ed. V. Mansurov. Moscow: Russian Society of Sociologists, 1999. Ð. 44-49.

ROSTOVTSEV P.S., DEREVIANKO A.P., KHOLIOUCHKINE Y.P., VORONINE V.T. L'analyse statistique des ensembles de palejlithique moyen du proche - et moyen-orient. - Novosibirsk, 2001. 49 p.

SOBOLEVA S. Economic Migration to Western Siberia. Russian New Southern Border: Western Siberia - Central Asia, London, The International Institute for Strategic Studies, 2003, 45-48.


In "Farming and Rural Systems Research and Extension. Local Identities and Globalisation". Florence, Italy, April 8, 2002. Fifth IFSA European Symposium, pp. 148-157.

Institute of Economics and Industrial Engineering Russian Academy of Sciences Siberian Branch. 17, Ac. Lavrentiev Prospect, 630090, Novosibirsk, Russia

Abstract: The paper focuses on revival of private sector in the Russian agrarian economy. Using statistics, by-law documents, field research data as well as personal observations the author analyses institutional framework, trends and current problems of private farms formation in the period of transition (1990-2001) and their share in the internal food market. A special part of analysis is devoted to prospects of the private sector, specifically, possible transformation of part-time household operations into independent full-time farms. In conclusion the author gives her own vision of the model of agrarian relations in Russia.


During Transformation" in Rural Reform in Post-Soviet Russia, eds David J.O'Brien and Stephen K.Wegren (Woodrow Wilson Center Press Washington, D.C., The Johns Hopkins University Press Baltimore and London, 2002), 367-384. 


In Dr.Ieda Osamu, ed., Transformation and Diversification of Rural Societies in Eastern Europe and Russia. Slavic Research Center. Hokkaido University, Sapporo, Japan, 2002, pp. 41-59

    The paper is based on data from sociological surveys, conducted under the author's direction and with her participation in rural Siberia from 1990 to2000, and using statistics and literary sources.

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